
What is the Difference Between Molarity and Molality?

the Major Difference Between Molarity and Molality is that molarity is the number of moles of a compound present in a litter of compound with a unit mol/L while molality is the concentration of a solution given by the number of solutes present in a kilogram of a solvent having unit mol/kg.


  1. It is the number of moles of solute present in one liter or cubic decimeter of the solution.
  2. It is represented by ‘M’.
  3. It is concentrated solution as compared to the molar solution.
  4. It is also known as molar concentration.


  1. It is the number of moles of solute present in one kilogram or 1000g of solvent.
  2. It is represented by ‘m’.
  3. It is dilute solution as compared to the molar solution.
  4. It is also known as molar concentration.

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